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« You want sanity? Gore-Obama | Main | The Right's Joy of Misrepresentation »

February 22, 2007


Lee Purcell

Your skewer is especially sharp today, P. M. Excellent post!

Vic Anderson

As a left of median, Scandinavian flower child, it's good to be "losing", AGAIN!

Jay Randal

I am half-Danish, but I finally believe they have wised up and they notice that Iraq is a lost cause. Eventually it will be American troops all alone in Iraq and the oil will not be worth their deaths.

A. Leslie Palmer

In England political reality has taken hold . At last. Tony Blair,unlike our pretender to the Presidency, will not leave a "mess of Potamia to his successor! There will be an increase in troops to Afghanistan - the scene of many Anglo-Afghan disasters in the 19thCent!

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