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February 05, 2008



As one of those strategic voters you present, I hope that the Democratic voters heed the call for change rather than back yet another round of cleaning up the Bush mess. I hear from my staunch Republican co-workers in the real world that they will not allow another Clinton in the White House no matter how badly Bush has bunged-up the nation.

It literally comes down to how brave a person is. Are you willing to take a chance on an excellently-speaking unknown? Or, have your become pathologically (and pathetically) frightened to the point that you won't leave the Bush cesspool until you are forced out? KNBC in LA interviewed several people of this mindlessness this morning. At least the reporter had the intellect to attempt to convince them to change their minds and go vote!

I present these thoughts as someone who has serious doubts about Obama while at the same time I am convinced that no other candidate merits the job. I will have to think long and hard about who will get my vote in November no matter who wins today, for if it isn't Obama, then I will have to find someone to support while the nation goes through four more years of corporatist crap.

Thanks, Al Gore. Sitting on your ass in 2000 has led directly to this!

Mike R.

Count me among those who cannot "choke it down" any longer. I'm through with that. Hillary and I may have some principles in common, while McCain and I share little if anything because he has few principles, and those I can see are repugnant, but the moral question of war overrides all else, and I can vote for neither. Clinton has willingly contributed to the deaths of other humans out of political expediency, and therefore I can never and will never vote for her. No more candidates who seek success through lubricating the war machine for me.

If Clinton wins the nomination I'll probably end up voting Peace and Freedom for another thirty years, as I did after the '68 convention.


I am a Barack Obama supporter. He has the wisdom and vision to heal this country.

That being said, if Barack doesn't win the nomination, you can't possibly try and reason that there's no difference between McCain and Clinton.

Yes, Hillary voted for the war, but she's FOR ending it quickly. McCain is calling for 50 years of occupation. I'd call that a slight difference.

People saying there's no difference between Hillary and McCain remind me of the same idiots who were saying there was no difference between Gore and Bush in 2000. Do you seriously think our country would be THIS fucked up if Gore had rightfully won the presidency? I think not.


Voting for Hillary today only diminshes our chance for victory in November. If she takes the nomination, we really don't have a choice, we must vote for her. But we will be fighting on two fronts and taking the battle to the middle. I'd rather take the fight to the right with the left and center in our corps - where we will likely prevail.


Voting for Hillary today only diminshes our chance for victory in November. If she takes the nomination, we really don't have a choice, we must vote for her. But we will be fighting on two fronts and taking the battle to the middle. I'd rather take the fight to the right with the left and center in our corps - where we will likely prevail.


With any luck, a four year Democratic Presidency will be sufficient to take the blame for all the consequences of eight years of Bush rule. Meanwhile, a Pentagon, State Department and a judiciary and Federal Agencies stuffed to bursting with neo-con and theo-con fanatics can hold the place together till the next Republican administration. They'll even keep the war humming along nicely. Hey! I know, let's let the Democrats re-start the draft on their watch!

Both Clinto and Obama are scared stiff of the Republicans, and won't know how to run against them, is my prediction.


I am afraid you have foreseen the future. If there is a Depression or even an extended recession, the right wing hate machine will ensure Republican rule for 30 years. I just hope the economy implodes before January-not after.


just returned from my town hall..i am v happy with senator clinton and i hope that she remains our rep in washington..Obama is indeed our best chance at wresting control from the repug's and yet i was so tempted to vote for edwards with anger&abandon..It's now up to the young fella from illinois..don't worry folks,it can't get any worse!


Based on the returns as the 5th rolls into the 6th, it looks like the American voters have chosen to remain mired in the Bush cesspool. Deity help us all.

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