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« George W.'s speech, Part II | Main | Sestak is still stirring, and agonizing »

June 01, 2009



See, this is where I disagree. Don't help this dinosaur party.
I say good riddance to the entire lot. Since these cretins kept their mouths shut for all 8 years, starting with the theft of the election, to the illegal war etc. I don't want to hear anything out of any Republican's mouth. I don't trust a single one of them. And by the way, wasn't it interesting how at the RNC convention in August they really didn't want to mention Bush or Cheney. Well, where were they for eight years. I didn't hear criticism from them then. Just dutiful goose-stepping, in typical Republican fashion. Screw all of them. Let them kiss ass Rush. Don't give them helpful hints. It is not our job as Democrats. It drives me crazy when I hear spinning heads try to help them. Screw 'em. Just let the party implode.

Bachman Mouth Overdrive

She doesn't even know her own damn job. This submoronic idiot doesn't even realize that Congress makes laws and the judiciary determines the law's constitutionality:

“What provision in the Constitution could you point to to give authority for the actions that have been taken by the Treasury since March of ‘08?” asked Bachmann during a hearing on March 24. “What in the Constitution could you point to to give authority to the Treasury’s extraordinary actions that have been taken?”

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