Republican hypocrisy has now transmogrified from the merely expected to the grotesquely metaphysical:
"I want to congratulate our colleagues in the House on this important first step. I hope the Senate will soon follow suit with a vote of its own [on the repeal of healthcare reform]," said Mitch McConnell in a "video release," presumably here on Earth as well.
"The Democratic leadership in the Senate doesn’t want to vote on this bill" -- booo, hissss -- added the pixilated Senate minority leader. "But I assure you, we will."
And that's because up-or-down votes are not only the American Way, they are, by God, the traditional Republican Way.
I guess partisanship among those who count in fundraising and on Election Day has become so engrained, so unshakable, so extraordinarily unquestioned that no amount of nakedly idiotic mumbo-jumbo will self-startle the pols or rattle the base.
McConnell could declare tomorrow that there are only 59 minutes in an hour, and 95 percent of Kentucky Republicans would bray "Damn right!" and the GOP Senate caucus would demand a confirming resolution.