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« Ralph Reed to reslime Washington this weekend | Main | Boehner's concession »

June 02, 2011


Joe Caroli

If you can shrug off our sacred Constitutional guarantees and freedoms as mere "goofweed", then this piece won't be a colossal waste of your time as it was mine.


You really ought to put down the goofweed pipe, Joe, and try breathing something besides tea fumes.


Someone doesn't know what the word "sacred" means.


Teabaggers--the enema of American Exceptionalism (they don`t even know what it means).

Reminds me of the old saying -- he who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas. Right now, I see many GOP kingpins (like Karl Rove and Bill Kristol) awakening from a night sleeping on teabag-filled pillows and furiously itching.


On the one hand, the karmic payback is well-deserved. On the other, it's sad that one of our major political party considers these public rejections of reality, on so many subjects, a prerequisite for higher office. It accomplished two key goals - helping their donors' profit margins, and pissing off liberals - but it's made competent governing impossible. Ah, hubris.

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