The inelegant understatements of the week, nicely bundled in one short passage by the NY Times:
Mr. Cain’s campaign may have undermined itself with questionable decisions and a series of missteps, which have led to the impression that the candidate lacks focus and preparation.
May have, questionable, missteps, the impression, lacks.
Is the Times reporter, Susan Saulny, a political journalist or a Foreign Service applicant?
Among the very few incontrovertible facts of our political scene, the one that sits at the absolute apex of supreme incontrovertibility is that Herman Cain has indeed undermined his campaign -- mostly because he never thought he'd make it this far; ergo, there was always so little for him to undermine.
Now, why is that so hard for a political reporter to simply, plainly, clearly report? There is no "may have," only a has; there've been no "missteps," only colossal imbecilities; and we're countless parsecs beyond any mere "impression" of Cain's mental sloth and ill-preparedness.
So, Ms. Saulny & Editor, please just say so.