One stretches to grasp the profound insignificance of Michele Bachmann's Iowa state chairman having jumped ship because he now "believes" in Ron Paul.
Kinda flaky, no? But so was Michele Bachmann's state chairman's decision to ever become Michele Bachmann's state chairman.
One is also tempted to stretch tongue into cheek and historically compare the chairman's flight to more than a few's roundly judicious switch from Ernst Rohm to A. Hitler -- just in the nick of time -- or to the prudent self-survivalism of falling out of love with Leon Trotsky in order to take up with the intensely jealous Uncle Joe, but such analogies would of course be aggressively incautious: not because Michele Bachmann is no E. Rohm or L. Trotsky, or because Ron Paul is far from the powerful personalities of Hitler and Stalin, but because only four of the preceding six will ever matter in history.