One feels compelled to requote Political Wire's "Quote of the Day":
"I'm not going to change my positions by virtue of being in a presidential campaign."
-- Mitt Romney, in an interview on Fox News.
That is of course riotously funny of Mitt. Still, I positively dread the certain prospect of nearly a year of unremittingly identical commentary about Mitt Romney's changing positions. Column after column after column, in the Post, the Times, rampant throughout the blogosphere, etc., etc., etc., will devote itself to Romney's rather peculiar shape-shifts; and each commentary will be equally devoted to the muted suggestion that its jackhammering point is somehow original.
Egads. Months of it. Months and months of it, the same bloody "insight," over and over, drilled into our tender little psyches as the Big Truth, which is of course as riotously true as Mitt Romney is funny. And, I know: message repetition and party discipline(!) and all that -- this is all quite necessary to soften and ready the electorate's brain for voting the alternative. Nonetheless my own brain balks at that certain and ghastly prospect: nearly an entire year of this stupefying sameness.
Here's something different about Mitt Romney: His full name, Willard Mitt Romney, rearranges to spell “Mermaids will not try.” I'll let historians figure out the meaning in that. For more oddities about Mitt's name, see
Posted by: Eric | February 11, 2012 at 08:07 PM