Is Maggie serious?
For a time, [Michele Bachmann] looked like the real deal — a candidate who would be a viable conservative alternative to Mitt Romney....
Instead, her campaign slowly disintegrated. There was a bitter split with a coterie of top advisers, a slew of campaign trail missteps and claims of unfair treatment. Contributions dried up and the candidate herself never quite developed a message.
Yes, who could have ever predicted Bachmann's calamities -- given merely that this dreadful flake of a congresswoman once, on national television, casually accused her colleagues of 'anti-Americanism,' repeatedly presented 'Obamacare' as America's greatest menace, lost congressional staffers like car keys, and only excelled in early campaign debates when she chanted, "Obama ... is ... a ... one ... term ... president!"
Geez, the clues to her demise, so infernally well hidden.
Meghan McCain was also perplexed as to why Bachmann isn't the front runner. Said she was "more smarter" than Sarah Palin.
Posted by: Alli | December 30, 2011 at 07:32 PM