I would think David Brooks' satire hilarious if I didn't also know he'll soon be back in Mitt Romney's corner as a cutman.
Brooks just can't give it up; he can't quit the absurd idea that Republicanism is somehow related to conservatism. So he hangs on.
If Brooks really wished to shake things up, he'd announce that he is unequivocally through--through with the Republican Party and all of its unending incarnations of wackjob Palinism and nutso Cainism and demented Norquistism and radical Ryanism and vicious Foxism and on and on and on.
Brooks could purify himself by formally separating from the Great Ideological Whore. But this, of course, he won't do. He simply cannot take that Kierkegaardian leap of faith, which is indeed reserved, I gather, for only the authentically philosophical.
In the movie Putney Swope there was a line I will paraphrase to describe David Brooks. "David Brooks is a horse's ass."
Is. Was. Will always be.
Posted by: Robinswing | August 28, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Brooks takes shots at big, fat targets like Palin and her brand of proud ignorance and for this he is credited as being a thoughtful, reasonable conservative. He burnishes these credentials occasionally by criticizing deeply unpopular Republicans long after the rest of us figured out they're incomptent crooks. And he occasionally says a nice thing about a Democrat.
But he's the biggest snake of them all and one of the most dangerous, exactly because so many people on our team think he's an honest broker. He's not. He's a contemptible piece of hypocritical bat guano who always, ALWAYS lands on the GOP's side of the debate when it matters. He just enunciates their talking points somewhat more gracefully than the average wingnut loudmouth.
Posted by: Turgidson | August 28, 2012 at 12:47 PM