Here, from Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, is the latest marker of rising, squalid disingenuity in the GOP's congressional cesspool:
You know, they're sitting around down at the White House like it was a Harvard Law Review meeting, just to show who's the smartest person in the room. We don't need the smartest person in the room. We need someone to get up and say, "OK, America, we need to deal with revenues; that's the bad news; and we also need to deal with the Medicare fiscal cliff, or you're not going to get your medical bills paid."
Catch that? Suddenly it's the Medicare fiscal cliff, a slight precipice which ObamaCare in fact forestalled by a few more years--an effort vigorously opposed, of course, by Republicans.
I don't know how they do it, but they really do manage to always find ways to new lows, or, as the intro has it, to new high-squalidness markers.
One cannot negotiate with such animals. One mustn't even try. One simply rehearses Corleone's line: "Senator? You can have my answer now, if you like. My final offer is this: nothing."