The Radicals are now leaking and pooping on their once-reliable majority leader, Eric Cantor:
In a closed-door conference meeting on Wednesday, Cantor told one GOP member that if they blocked the Senate-passed Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) from coming to the floor, they’d cause "civil war" in the ranks....
Cantor’s comment irked some Republican aides, who told National Review Online that such strong language is inappropriate.
Having helped press the toilet's lever, Cantor is inveighing against the GOP's vortex of madness at the eleventh hour. He was with the Radicals when radicalism seemed ascendingly sweet; now he's turning whiter than a Mississippi redistricter at the prospect of being flushed with these malodorous flunkies.
Will he save himself? Who knows? We do know he hasn't any principles to rescue, so that lightens his load. But what's more, who cares? Cantor's only consistency has come in playing the odds of personal advancement; this reptilian opportunist wouldn't know a national interest if one wiped his ass for him. He is truly one of the more despicable specimens of contemporary Radical Republicanism--and now it's abandoning him, or he's abandoning it, or something like that, if anyone any longer cares.
Of genuine interest, however, is the question of his party's "civil war." At long last, has its outbreak arrived? Will the Tea Party split into a third? Are establishment Republicans reclaiming the high ground?
With this bunch predictions are rather useless, since bumbling amateurism has so often been in command. The best we can do is stay tuned.