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June 26, 2013


Peter G

They really should be brown shouldn't they? Maybe his head sprung a leak.


It is a great day for equal rights in America, and we should celebrate. The expansion of freedom for any group expands freedom for all of us. But make no mistake. The decisions of the Supreme Court will energize the reactionary hate machine like nothing has since the election of Abraham Lincoln. There will be only one overriding goal: to pack the courts so the rulings can be overturned. And, yesterday, Justice Kennedy handed the Right the tool they need to accomplish the job. By striking down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act, the Court has ensured that efforts to disenfranchise the maximum number of minority voters will receive new impetus in the states that have majority GOP legislatures. Look for these efforts to take center stage, especially the states with Democratic senators up for re-election in 2014.

As Gandalf warned, "You may triumph on the fields of the Pellenor for a day, but against the Power that has now arisen there is no victory." The battle continues; it must be waged every day. It is time to redouble our efforts to prevent the voting rights of minorities from being eroded.

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