It's beyond me why anyone would bother engaging an idiot like this, but, there it is.
(Tweeted by Josh Marshall as, "This exists." It's an easy thing to forget.
I was once--really not that many years ago--in the Capitol Hill office of a rather powerful Democratic congressman, who happened to look up at his closed-circuit House feed just as Barney Frank was talking, and the congressman said, to no one in particular, "Can you believe that's on the floor of the U.S. House?"
My, that now seems like centuries ago.)
In case anyone is wondering what progress looks like, seeing as it almost made the endangered species list, the SCOTUS ruling on Doma would be a prime example.
Posted by: Peter G | June 26, 2013 at 11:41 AM
And good ol' Tony Scalia provides the laffs.
Yesterday he joined an opinion that said, in effect, "we don't need this old-fashioned law against discrimination. Pffft, times have changed! Racism is done! Also, I am smarter than Congress (who reauthorized it in 2006)"
Today, authors an opinion saying, in effect: "OMG how can we be tinkering with the old-fashioned defitinion of marriage! And how can we go against the will of Congress?? (DOMA passed TEN YEARS BEFORE VRA was reauthorized) Get off my lawn, queers!"
The self-appointed arbiter of judicial consistency executes a perfect 180-degree flip. Asshole.
Posted by: Turgidson | June 26, 2013 at 02:48 PM
So are the rulings today examples of incremental progressivism?
Posted by: AnneJ | June 26, 2013 at 03:13 PM
Anne, no. Remember, it was just one justice different from yesterday and, unfortunately can give a patina of respectability to the court it doesn't deserve.
I am glad about today's decisions, to a point. But notice they passed on the issue of Prop 8, as that would have caused them to really address gay marriage as a whole.
Posted by: japa21 | June 26, 2013 at 03:18 PM