In reading Obamacare Watch: the House Republican Playbook--Eric Cantor's handy truth-mauling guide for his caucus's con artists--nothing abnormally inane struck me about the GOP's talking points--until, that is, I got to the last page of the final section in which the grisly horrors of Obamacare are itemized in some detail.
There, in particular, sat the following monstrosity! slated for January 1, 2014, under the bold-faced listing of Decreased Access and a Weakened Safety Net:
Expansion of Medicaid coverage to 22 million childless adults up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line--diminishing resources for vulnerable populations. States will receive 100 percent of the FMAP 2014-2016, 95 percent in 2017, 94 percent in 2018, and 90 percent after.
Wait. This is one of the horrors of "Decreased Access"?--an expansion in coverage by 22 million? And if by "vulnerable populations" the working poor shouldn't be included, just who the hell are the vulnerable? What's more, this memo from small-government Cantor appears to reproach the federal government for not funding state Medicaid programs 100 percent, in perpetuity.
Eric, you incoherent cad.