Gerald Molen, Dinesh D'Souza's co-producer of such paranoid absurdities as 2016: Obama's America and the upcoming just plain America, has invented, I must confess, a brilliant defense of his indicted partner. Some unspecified they--but we know who they are--are "criminalizing dissent through the selective enforcement of the law," says Molen. And he has more to say:
In light of the recent events and the way the IRS has been used to stifle dissent, this arrest should send shivers down the spines of all freedom-loving Americans.
When American citizens begin to suspect that people are being arrested for alleged minor violations because of their vocal dissent against their elected representatives or rulers, it breeds disrespect and contempt for the law and suspicion of those officials.
If this unfortunate action against Dinesh is intended to deter the release of his upcoming film, America, that effort will fail.
Now that's an enchanting piece of propagandistic humbug for you, with an inspired bit of Howard Hughes movie salesmanship thrown in. (By God no tyrannical government would stop Hughes from exposing Jane Russell's enormous breasts in, coincidentally enough, The Outlaw, even though Hughes had not exposed Jane Russell's enormous breasts in The Outlaw. But oh what a marketing gimmick.)
Molen rattles off the villainous IRS (that would be Obama's IRS), he associates D'Souza's plight with "all freedom-loving Americans," he conflates his counterfeit suspicion with the real thing and thus fosters throughout society the paranoia with which he's genuinely afflicted, he refers to "rulers" rather than presidents (nice touch), he breeds disrespect and contempt for the very system of law he claims to honor and which his co-producer so contemptuously thumbed his nose at, and, as already noted, he sells a shitload of movie tickets to boot.
All in one statement. Damn, that's awesome. Molen invents precisely the America that he and D'Souza will be selling in the summer of 2014 to throngs of the incurably gullible. You gotta admire that.
Obviously you cannot try any murderer unless you catch and try all murderers.
Posted by: Peter G | January 24, 2014 at 03:27 PM
I've despised Molen since he played Raymond's psychiatrist in Rain Man, and it's good to see I've been right about him ever since. The good news is, Spielberg long ago dispensed with him as a producer; the bad news is, someone far more craven acquired him to give his paranoid rantings a professional sheen.
Posted by: Mark Cleary | January 24, 2014 at 04:19 PM
The Law and Order Party is like the Party of Personal Responsibility. It doesn't apply to themselves.
Posted by: merl | January 26, 2014 at 11:23 AM