With Sen. Rand Paul moving up in the ranks of Christie-attritioned presidential candidates, it is only prudent to again take note of his campaigning incoherencies, of which he vomited at least two yesterday on "Meet the Press."
First, "Tyranny is a strong word, but it makes people sit up and take notice." Translation: I'm going to demagogue the bejesus out of the last, wholly untyrannical eight years, simply because throwing words around like "tyranny" promises loads of popular appeal. In Paul's telling, Obama's imaginary tyranny will seamlessly morph into Hillary's actual tyranny, which doubtless she's plotting in, say, faithfully executing laws on the books, such as the Affordable Care Act.
Paul's second eruption was even more pathetic, even more demagogically reaching. Asked David Gregory, Is Bill Clinton's Lewinsky scandal "fair game" and "something that Hillary Clinton should be judged on if she were a candidate in 2016?" To which Paul ultimately answered: "Yeah--no, I'm not saying that.... I would say that, with regard to his place in history, that it certainly is a discussion."
So yeah--yes, he is saying that, because the wickedly pious conservative base needs something to wrap its unChristian malice around. Eight years of a model husband, model father and all-round model Democratic citizen in the White House have been horribly depressing for the morality thugs. So, for them, how invigorating the reintroduction of presidential blowjobs will be.
Three years of this. Three years before eight more.
I think the media is just really desperate to find someone on the right to prop up as a formidable challenger to Hillary Clinton for 2016. Apparemtly they didn't learn their lesson with Chris Christie. Do they not have more important things to discuss that are happening now instead of something that won't happen for another two years?
Posted by: AnneJ | January 27, 2014 at 11:34 AM