Magnificently sane.
In a few more words, Obama's address, grounded in a mature appreciation of our limits, called for multilateralism--diplomatically whenever possible, militarily if inescapable; it called, given al Qaeda's fragmentation and dispersal, for global "partners" to suppress it; and, in a direct shot at his Republican critics, it called for a world-involved America that leads by example at home--not through climate-change denialism, or unratified treaties, or the obscenities of a Gitmo that the propagandists and paranoids won't close.
The president's most searing assault on his neocon critics came, however, in his observation that rushing into military interventions "without thinking through the consequences" is hugely consequential. Such is the legacy of the 21st century's neoconservatism: a raging, mindless enthusiasm for firepower, which served only to drain our resources--human as well as fiscal--and our potential as a responsible world leader.
Because Obama's speech was so magnificently sane, let the carping and slander begin.
it's only magnificent by contrast with the average american "thinking".
in a rational country, Obama's speech would be met with "well durr - why would you do it any other way?"
it's like Obama is the only non-idiot around. so maddening.
Posted by: Sherifffruitfly | May 28, 2014 at 10:32 AM
Jon Stewart on Letterman The part about politics starts at about 5,45 and I think it captures how Obama must feel most days.
Posted by: Peter G | May 28, 2014 at 11:19 AM