I just learned from the Byron York that 1) "Republicans are again arguing among themselves" about impeachment, and 2) "the GOP base is infuriated with Obama, particularly his abuse of executive power." These can be taken as two key points of York's Washington Examiner column, which is but one of the many Consciences of Modern Republicanism. And neither point has the least element of reality about it.
Most Republicans pols are not "arguing" about impeachment, as York maintains. In fact nearly all Republican pols, in public and private, have noted impeachment's utter political insanity, and that's scarcely an argument. It's more of an observation akin to noting the sky is blue.
York's second misinformation entry is even better, the one about the GOP base being "infuriated with Obama, particularly his abuse of executive power." If Jay Leno were to stop on the street 100 infuriated GOPers and ask them what they're infuriated about, I'd wager one, maybe two at the outside, would mutter something vague about Obamacare. The others would give that teenage-girl-behind-the-fast-food-counter look--the rather uncomprehending one of transcendent indifference to the substance of your request. No doubt they'd confirm their fury. They just wouldn't know why they're furious.
And there, I think, lies the real Conscience of Modern Republicanism.