From PBS' Morning Line:
Republican Rep. Charlie Dent, who is in a Pennsylvania district Mitt Romney won in 2012 just 51 to 48 percent, last week lamented the kinds of issues House Republicans have been taking up so far in this new 114th Congress. In his words:
"Week one, we had a Speaker election that didn’t go as well as a lot of us would have liked. Week two, we spent a lot of time talking about deporting children, a conversation a lot of us didn’t want to have. Week three, we’re debating reportable rape and incest — again, not an issue a lot of us wanted to have a conversation about. I just can’t wait for week four."
So what about Week Four? It will be about (drum roll) repealing Obamacare.
As serendipity would have it for the "moderate" Charlie Dent, Dana Milbank also has a column today on the bumbling, stumbling congressional GOP: an abortion bill has been pulled (with "More than one House Republican … complain[ing] about the 'females' in the caucus"); border-security legislation is snarled; the Keystone pipeline bill is stalled; the Benghazi hearings are reaching a refreshingly new madness; the party is split on both trade and war authorization; Boehner has diplomats in an uproar; and McConnell's "three-ring circus" of multiple factions, malicious infighting and broken promises is just beginning.
All this, on merely the eve of week four!
Remember the GOP's pre-November plea? Just give us a chance to prove we can govern.
For thirty years Americans have been voting to get the government out of their lives. So none of us should be surprised that we got stuck with the party that can't / won't govern.
Posted by: Anne J | January 28, 2015 at 07:49 PM