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June 30, 2015


Peter G

I didn't ask how the last test went because it is none of my damned business. But now you are startng to worry me. And probably more than a few of your other readers.

The Raven

Sympathies. You're in for some serious treatment. Take care of yourself.


I echo The Raven.

Peter G

Good to know.


I've had a nuclear stress test. They are no big deal to undergo. Basically, you are injected with mildly irradiated fluid prior to the usual stress test to enhance subsequent imaging. The worst thing that could happen is that they'll find you have significant aterial blockage. If very significant (70%+), you get routine angioplasty; if mildly significant, statins and lifestyle advice. All this is much better treated than it was even a decade ago.

Best wishes, as always.

David & Son of Duff

And at least there will be no chance of you getting lost in the dark because you will glow!

Good luck!

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