The NY Times reports that Donald Trump has, "over the past decade," been guilty of "hyperbolic overstatements" and "shadings of the truth or even outright misstatements."
And, "in rare instances" — I don't quite understand the qualification — Trump "turns boorish and demeaning."
The Times also reports that Trump's "public persona can have a one-dimensional quality."
That's what the NY Times reports about Donald Trump.
It also reports that dogs have fleas, the color of snow is white, our rivers are full of fish, and that Franco is still dead.
Chris Cristy can beat Trump in the debate by wearing his shirt open and a breast milk pump attached.
Posted by: Bob | July 29, 2015 at 11:51 AM
Interesting. Your first paragraph seems to describe the NYT's business model over the same time period.
Posted by: Peter G | July 29, 2015 at 12:52 PM
Apologies, I meant Chris Christie.
Posted by: Bob | July 29, 2015 at 07:28 PM