The Washington Post:
"[Scott Walker's supporters say there] needs to be a clear acknowledgment inside the campaign that the governor has yet to put to rest questions about his readiness to handle the problems and unexpected challenges that confront every president."
We can thank Donald Trump for exposing Walker's inadequacies right off — as well as every other Republican candidate's inadequacies. Compared to the world's Vladimir Putins, Trump is a gnat, a nickel-and-dime demagogue, a pesky, argumentative bag of over-the-top ad populum. And yet Bush, Walker et al are terrified of confronting him. They cling to their super-PAC firepower and whimper and whine about alienating Trump's lunatic followers, as though they are the future of a winning Republican Party, or a party with any future at all.
"Better dead than Trumped" should be Bush's rallying cry (Walker was never a credible frontrunner). Yet this self-professed Wolfowitzian is showing his true colors. He's afraid. He's terrified of any real fight, with him in it. He is, in short, a classic, neoconservative chickenhawk.
If the Donald can push him around, just think of what Vladimir could do. (Don't you realize, Jeb, that that's what GOP voters are thinking?)
Here I will disagree somewhat. If Trump were not present I'd say a good hunk of the field would have had their fifteen minutes of fame and be in the recycling bin by now. Jeb could have been Mitting the remainders sequentially and in a businesslike manner. What you say is true in a sense for people are paying attention to politics sooner than normal I think but Trump is also providing excellent camouflage by drawing all eyes to him. And by saying things so stupid that the other candidates have to really rise to the stupidity to merit attention.
Your argument is strongest on policy and demographics for Trump is drawing them ever farther into the wilderness. I'm just not sure how big a factor policy will be.
As long as the field remains as large and fragmented as it is every single one of these losers, especially Walker, can sustain the hope that some miracle can happen. Can we not all thank Trump for that? I believe we can.
Posted by: Peter G | August 31, 2015 at 12:58 PM
It occurs to me now that I misread your piece. Oh yeah as far as grit goes they are looking mighty timid. In this part of the game they are playing against Trump. And every one on the deep Republican bench is begging the coach to put someone else in. Anyone but them. So you're right. I think I raised valid points but they did not answer yours. Sorry about that PM.
Posted by: Peter G | August 31, 2015 at 01:11 PM
You've identified a truth that must be going through a lot of non-neocon minds.
Posted by: Bob | August 31, 2015 at 03:08 PM