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August 27, 2015


David & Son of Duff

Not one but two posts in succession without a mention of the 'T'-word. Well done, Sir!

David & Son of Duff

As for the shooter, well, he was black and he was homosexual and therefore the recipient throughout his life of a never-ending crescendo from the Left telling him that he was a 'victim' and therefore entitled to his grievances. All I am waiting for is the obvious missing ingredient, that he was a regular drug-user which left his mental condition similar to the lunatic who stabbed Morgan Freeman's grand-daughter to death.

Will we hear the Left screaming for severe controls on the use of drugs to match their campaign on guns? Don't hold your breath!

The Dark Avenger

The evidence seems to indicate he had some sort of mental illness, and it's not uncommon for such people to take drugs in an effort to self-medicate. That would explain why his writings and ramblings don't make any sense.

Could that be your problem as well, David? Too much Merlot over the years? That would explain your ramblings here, at least.

David & Son of Duff

And why, pray, would you assume that the mental illness came first and the drugs second?

The Dark Avenger

Because of his behavior and his writings, David.


Demonizing Wayne LaPierre, though he's one of the most obnoxious and destructive men on the planet, will not be productive. He's paid somewhere around $1M per year to be the most visible part of the gun lobby and serve as a decoy. The real villains are weapons manufacturers that hire and lobby a wide range of mouthpieces to propagandize that second amendment rights are absolute and that people need weapons to fight off street gangs or invading migrant workers or what have you.

Anne J

Demonizing those of us with mental illness is not productive either.


Agreed. The gun lobby always blames everything but guns. Other countries have similar levels of mental illness but don't have anywhere near the level of gun violence.

David & Son of Duff

Well, I'm certainly not demonizing people with mental illness. What I am 'demonizing' is allowing such people easy access to drugs.

I can't be bothered to look up each and every 'mass shooter' over the past, say, ten years but my bet is that most of them were regular drug users. If so, then perhaps it might be better to concentrate on stopping the drugs before worrying about guns which are everywhere in the States and easily available legally or otherwise. If and when a drug-fueled nut-job can't find a gun he can always use a knife - as Morgan Freeman's family will aver!


Your posts are very convincing arguments in favor of drugs, David.

David & Son of Duff

In what way, exactly, Bob?


They make me want to drink.

David & Son of Duff

Oh, good, that's alright then! Make mine a large one.

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