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« A GOP debate from Hell | Main | From Bush boomlet to bust »

January 15, 2016



Ain't it great!?!

Good lord your Facebook comments have been hilarious, all of these semi-literate Trumpeteers coming out of the woodwork to say ... actually it's never exactly clear what they are trying to say other than vote Trump.

And running second is the most hated man in American politics. A unique political creature who, as a McConnell aide put it, can make people who share his ideology oppose his proposals.

The GOP establishment is in full panic mode. The clear subtext of this congressional retreat was to make the platform for the eventual nominee and hope he will fall in line. Meanwhile it won't matter. As crazy as the base has become there are still plenty of sane republicans out there (in real life at least, not on your Facebook page) who have enough self respect to sit this one out if Trump is the nominee. My father in law, for instance, never missed an election but has already said he is leaving For President blank or third party if it's Trump or Cruz.



The GOP is radical individualism wrapped in radical disrespect for humanity wrapped in the Fox News bubble.

Peter G

You mock Lindsey? I'll have you know that endorsement doubled Jeb's support.


Buying two lotto tickets would help Jeb in almost exactly the same way.

brave captain of industry

Hillary has a stroke and its President Trump.

You leaving at that point?

Michael Stein

Add tRump + Cruz + Carson and you get the same 65% that say they are willing to support tRump. Makes sense, the base wants a new Republican Party.

Neon Vincent

I had particular fun responding to the Trumpeteer wondering why Obama had not been impeached. I told him it was became the RWNJ narratives about Obama were such BS that Obama would never provide any real support for them. No evidence, no scandal--simple as that.

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