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« Still in a blissfull semi-coma | Main | Stumblebumming Democrats? »

February 18, 2017


David & Son of Duff

Not being absolutely sure of American argot, I assume, nay, I hope, that is good news.


So glad you get to go home today, pm. A much better place to convalesce. I'm offering a prayer that this marks the beginning of your restored health.

It's amazing that you've managed to post as frequently and with erudition considering the severity of your health problems.

Hope you can now relegate them to your review mirror.



The Dark Avenge

He's being relived of a durance vile.

The Dark Avenge


S. holland


Anne J

Wonderful news! Please get some rest, P.M. take all the time you need to recover.

David & Son of Duff

In the unfortunate absence of our distinguished host, I thought you hungry lions might like something to chew on. This, from Glenn Greenwald - yes, yes, I know but he's only repeating what I've been trying to tell you for the last few weeks:

'"The [Democrat] party has collapsed as a national political force," Greenwald said, adding that in addition to losing control of Congress and the White House, they are one state legislature away from allowing Republicans to hold unilateral Constitutional conventions, which require support of two-thirds of the 50 legislatures.

Democrats are so "obsessed" with calling Trump names, Greenwald said, they have failed to hold "autopsies" of their own electoral losses, as Republicans did in 2012 after former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) lost to Obama.'

But please don't make too much noise, our host is resting!

Peter G

So you go to the person for an opinion with problably the most pronounced hatred of the Democratic Party of anyone who could be even remotely considered a lefty, and someone with virtually no credibility here and expect what exactly? Have you ever read this blog or the opinions of the people of who comment here? It almost never seems like it.

David & Son of Duff

Of course I have read the opinions of people who read this blog, Peter, which is why I tossed in Greenwald's opinion in order to read your responses.

Needless to say, you don't appear to have one! So tell me, has the Dem party conducted an inquiry into how they lost an election to a man you all consider to be a buffoon?

And have any of you considered the ramifications of the fact that the Dem party didn't just lose the presidential election, it lost just about everything everywhere!

So what are you going to do about it, that's what I want to hear? Calling Trump names, or willing him to drop a major bollock, is not grown-up politics!

The Dark Avenge

Old bean, the only fly in Mr. Greenwald's ointment here is that the Republicans never implemented the suggestions in the 2012 autopsy, and went on to win last year anyway. Almost a "do as I say, not as they did" --perhaps Mr. Greenwald doesn't have the best interests of the Democratic Party at heart?

Combined with the continued descent of Cheetolini in the polls after a mere one month in office, it would seem you and the folks at Fox News will be going from carrying water for him to bailing water from the S.S. Trump very shortly. Bring your rubbers, as it will be a drenching experience!

David & Son of Duff

So, DA, not only did they choose a buffoon, they also failed to implement the results of their analysis of why they lost the previous election.

And yet they still won - Big Time!

Which makes me think that the Dem party should do some thinking instead of shouting 'Na, nah, na-na nah' all the time.

Or let me put this in a more delicate way. What, exactly and precisely, will you drop from the old Obama regime's programme that obviously helped you to lose? And I don't just mean 'HillBilly'!

By the way, desperately sifting through poll numbers is pathetic given that almost all the polls were hopelessly wrong last November!

The Dark Avenger

Well, old sport, it isn't like they had to do it on their own. The NYT and others raising questions about Hillary's email, Mr. Comey's last minute intervention, and,of course, a candidate who doubled down and promised the moon to a guillible electorate tired of losing, although he has no way through yet to get them 'winning' again.

And, since you are innumerate, as shown by your past rantings here, discussing the polls with you would be like trying to teach linear slgebra to a polecat. The popular vote did go for Hillary, but, as they say, the devil is in the details.

As for what is left, the answer, of course, is Obummercare, as those wights of the Republicans are learning to their dismay.:

“Town hall meetings tend to be platforms for people to shout at one another and get angry at one another and leave more upset and disappointed and bent out of shape than when people came.” Roskam said in an interview on WGN 720-AM. “And the proof of that is just look at the national news.”
Roskam held a tele-town hall Monday night instead.

In New York, Rep. Chris Collins told local media that he wouldn’t be holding a town hall because “what you get are demonstrators who come and shout you down and heckle you…they are not what you would hope they would be.”
The Town Hall Project database lists just 19 Republicans holding upcoming town halls, although that number may be low since the list is crowdsourced.
In many districts, this lack of access has constituents frustrated and turning to creative means to prod their congresspeople. In New York, for example, one of Collins’ constituents crowdsourced funds for highway billboards reading “Where’s Chris Collins? WNY would like a word…host a town hall meeting, Mr. Collins.”

David & Son of Duff

"the devil is in the details"

Precisely, so why isn't the Dem leadership indicating that they are looking into these details and indicating where and how and why they went wrong? Just sitting there calling Trump names and waiting for him to self destruct is hardly smart politics.

For example, do you and other Dem supporters have anyone, anyone at all, in mind to lead the next Presidential election?

Peter G

I guess we'll just have to let the electorate get tired of winning. Forgot that part didn't you? All the Republicans and Trump have to do now is deliver. They have to deliver a better health care system than Obamacare. Which is to say they have to find a way to stop health care costs from spiraling out of control. While at the same time letting health care costs spiral out of control. They have to find a way to reverse technological advances so people can have jobs again that machines now do. And stop other nations from agressively responding to American trade aggression. While making American products more expensive by letting health care costs go out of control. They have to find a way to massively cut govermnment revenue by trimming taxes while at the same time reducing the deficit and spending wildly on the military and other pet projects.

And let's not forget that ever popular social agenda: cutting school spending and regaining party control of the nation's wombs. An auspicious start has been made. Financial advisers are once again allowed to defraud their clients by pretending to act in their clients interests when they are acting in their own.

And all this is to be done under the leadership of THE ONE, the Kwizatz Whudidhesay, a man who knows literally nothing about anything. The man who can say and believe completely contradictory things at the same time.

Now me, all I have to do is stand back while you two year olds, fork in hand, stare meditatvely at the wall socket. Proceed. Have fun.

The Dark Avenger

Old bean, with Trumps' ratings tanking, the question in a few months will be who isn't running in 2020.

Peter G

Btw speaking of grown up politics and name calling isn't that something of your specialty? I believe you call these "jokes". I've been meaning to ask about how your Brexit play is going. You know, justifying access to the European markets by means of membership in NATO. That is starting to look a little dicey since your troops are looking like they will be under the military leadership of a guy appointed by a president who works for the other side.

Peter G

Your childlike simplicity is charming. Why on earth do you think they would make you or Fox privy to such discussions about strategy or tactics. You keep telling us that we can't just keep mocking Trump and the gang that couldn't Fascist straight. Why the hell not? It is effective and fun. Trump is going to fail and spectacularly so. You'd think the Republicans have worked out some policies in advance but apparently that was not possible. So now they are going through a basket of dirty laundry policies hoping to find one that does not stink too much.

Anne J

Of course the worthless limey piece of shit willfully ignores facts as usual, so there's no point in arguing with the little pissant so I will just offer a few thoughts of my own. The electoral college made the human brush fire president, not the voters so what does it care why Democrats lost or who will run in 2020? The fact that the worthless limey piece of shit is still carping on this means that it hasn't gotten over Trump's victory but the rest of us are expected to? When will Queen Donald of Drama get over it and start being a president instead of a self involved insecure diva that can't survive without constantly needing to hear the cheers of the drooling fanboys? And still throws hissy fits and lies about why he lost the popular vote? Running around saying "We won, you lost, get over it!" Is not governing and the party that hasn't had any interest in governing for decades now is scared shitless now that they've won control of the government. In the Republican art of the politics of resentment, appealing to people's better angels is a losing proposition. Of course it also doesn't help when so many on the left call Republican voters stupid for "voting against their best interests". Condescension wins no converts. I do not presume to know what the best interests of any voter are, but as a Republican straight outta Nixonland, I know that most people who vote Republican do it not out of whatever their best interests may be, but about what hurts the people they hate the most. And that was pretty much Queen Donald of Drama's whole campaign platform in a nutshell. Just promises of who will get hurt how much they will be made to suffer. Everything else is secondary. And the small minded misogynistic, bigoted worthless limey piece of shit damn good and well knows it and is fully on board with it.

Peter G

Pretty obvious isn't it? The Duffer would have us not do what was essentially his and the Republican's sole strategy, hurl poop. It was successful he assures us, so you mustn't do that. Why the hell not? Hoist them with their own lies. Mock the endless stupidity and ignorance. When their fearless leader comes out to tell us the amazing news that nuclear war is bad, highlight it. Eventually enough Trump supporters are bound to start scratching their heads in wonderment about how very dumb this man is. Human nature says many will double down for there are lots of people who will not care to admit they have been conned by an orangutan. That's got to sting. But enough will feel the acute embarassment to change the picture.

Ol' Barcode himself, and that's in reference to the Trump combover, is likely to explode any minute. We might as well enjoy the process.

Anne J

Is it any wonder why the party that hates government has no policies, now that they've won control of the government? The only policies I can see from them is how to inflict more affliction on the afflicted, while lavishing the comfortable with more comfort.

Anne J

I suppose that when it's directed at the right wingers, political incorrectness is suddenly a bad thing.

David & Son of Duff

Sorry, Anne, this is your less-than-favourite l.p.s. responding to your passionate piece. Shortly after reading your comment I read this:

"A similar phenomenon is operating in America: the more so-called liberals vilify and undermine President Trump, the firmer his support in his country is likely to become, and the more likely he is to win a second term in the White House. Politicians and pundits, most of whom live together in the same closeted world and only ever talk to each other, need to understand what living in a democracy really means."

I am not, repeat NOT, saying that 'Trump is going to make Trump great again' but he may well get the chance if Dems don't stop weeping and wailing and instead do some hard thinking.

Anne J

The worthless limey piece of shit letting its willful ignorance guide whatever passes for its thinking. Don't know where Democrats are weeping and wailing and I don't know why it cares what they do anyway. His boy won, why can't that be enough for it? Insecure in electoral victory? Got something to hide? If Democrats are so weak and powerless, then isn't a sign of weakness in itself to attribute so much power to the party out of power by accusing them of undermining Queen Donald of Drama?

The Dark Avenger

Some of Trumps supporters here in the San Joaquin Valley are having second thoughts.

If you want to shed tears over their plight, it's a free country.

Peter G

No wonder here. The recent election was disastrous for the Republicans in a sense. They always had the Democrats to blame in some way or another for their failures and now they don't. Unless they want to go with the Duff plan and say they couldn't do stuff because people said mean things about them.

Peter G

Not unexpected Duff. Of course some dummies will elect to remain dummies. Half the population is, after all, below average in intelligence. Such is the nature of democracy. If your theory of government and politics actually worked then Donald Trump would never have been sued by his Trump university graduates. This is why Trump just held a campaign rally isn't it? To check to see how the suckers are standing up under the relentless winning?

Peter G

There is that obvious logical error to consider isn't there? When the Republicans correctly analyzed long term democracy graphic trends and saw the soup into which their race based electoral strategy was going to land them they did indeed fail to act on that. Instead they doubled down at the congressional level. But they sure did not count on Trump taking them over the edge. What Duff is trying to tell us is that we need to join them or at least acquiesce in their asinine policies. I disagree. They can keep their Deplorables all to themselves. Even in the Republican Party that group never got above forty percent.

Anne J

I get a kick out of right wingers who expect the left to meet a higher moral standard that they themselves have no intention of meeting. Funny how this rule didn't apply in the Obama era and certainly would not have applied during a Hillary Clinton administration.

David & Son of Duff

Ah well, that kept the fires burning in the old homestead as the master of the house fights the good fight! Let's hope he's winning.

Marc McKenzie

Fuck Greenwald.

..That's my response.

Anne J

Most of his campaign was about getting rid of brown foreign people and building walls so that no more brown foreign people could get in, and they thought it was just talk, so they took a gamble and could very well lose their farms. We have seen cases in recent years where states like Georgia passed anti immigration laws causing the illegal immigrants to flee, and crops rotted in the fields. Where were the poor, hard working Americans who cried about "illegals taking our jobs" stepped up to take advantage of the new employment opportunities that were suddenly available to them. I wonder why that was?

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