The Washington Post:
Republicans … believe [no they don't] Harry Reid deserves the blame for their decision to "go nuclear" because he lowered the threshold for non-Supreme Court nominees in 2013.
And why did Harry Reid lower the threshold for non-Supreme Court nominees in 2013?
PolitiFact acknowledged "the accuracy of Reid's underlying point — that blockages under Obama have accounted for a disproportionate share of those undertaken in United States history," and "rate[d] the claim Mostly True."
I'd comment on Republicans' dishonesty, but they have me all dishonested out. These pricks can really wear one down.
Two wrongs may not be right but we know one right and one wrong make all three branches Republican.
Posted by: WDC | April 06, 2017 at 01:57 PM
Republicans' audience for their mendacity isn't us, it's the Both Siderist morons who have to find symmetry in everything the parties do. So expect Ron "nickname omitted" Fournier and Matthew Dowd to tweet out some crocodile tears about how, sure, the GOP may have been nihilistic arsonists in the recent past, but the Democrats should nevertheless have been grownups and tried to do business with aforementioned nihilistic arsonists. BothSides4Ever!
Posted by: Turgidson | April 06, 2017 at 02:01 PM
And remember how Trump tweeted about Obama's expensive travel habits and holidays whose total in 8 years has been reported as 97 million dollars. Well Trump is on course to beat that in a year or less as he is already at 23 millions long as Repubs are doing it - whatever "it" is - it's ok, Dems not so much. The Repubs are only fiscally responsible when the Dems are in power. To coin a phrase. Sad.
Posted by: Monty | April 06, 2017 at 02:10 PM
Want to be worn down some more...
President Donald Trump reflected on his first weeks in office Thursday, telling reporters aboard Air Force on that “I think we’ve had one of the most successful 13 weeks in the history of the presidency,” according to a pool report.
The Onion is no longer, long live The Onion.
Posted by: Monty | April 06, 2017 at 03:52 PM
Mitch McConnell has never achieved the national vilification he so richly deserves -- everything from collapsed bridges to collapsed health insurance exchanges.
Posted by: John S | April 06, 2017 at 04:12 PM
Democrats: 1 + 1 = 2
Republicans: 1 + 1 = 3
The Ron Forniers of the media: 1 + 1 = 2.5
Posted by: Max | April 06, 2017 at 04:34 PM
The very essence of modern conservatism is mendacity. They claim to have the knowledge to solve problems that they simply do not possess. Nothing illustrates this better than actually putting them in charge of government. And it is not just the US that has this problem. I've been spending a lot of time watching the slow motion train wreck that is Brexit. The full dimensions of what Great Britain has brought upon themselves is starting to become clear. The promises of having all the benefits of being part of a larger political union with none of the costs turned out to be a pipe dream judging by the negotiating positions laid out by the GB and the EU. And when it is all done Britain will still have to abide by decision of the European Court of Justice if they want access to the European market. A hard Brexit it will be.
Posted by: Peter G | April 06, 2017 at 04:56 PM