Says a Jeff Sessions ally "familiar with his thinking," as the Daily Beast puts it, "Sessions is totally pissed off about" Trump's treatment of him.
"It’s beyond insane," adds Sessions' friend. "It’s cruel and it’s insane and it’s stupid."
As succinctness and accuracy go, the friend's characterization of Trump is just downright perfect — with an emphasis on "insanity." And from a hardcore-conservative insider's view, the friend isn't alone. Other Sessions allies conveyed to the Daily Beast "that if the president wanted to get rid of Mueller, he could just get rid of Rosenstein. The fact that he hasn’t done so and is, instead, fixated on his attorney general, is treated as evidence that he’s behaving irrationally."
Another emphasis is in order. Those in discussion with the Daily Beast are not of the "NeverTrump" camp — never were. They are, or rather were, as friendly toward Trump as Sessions was. And in the most irrational manner conceivable, Trump has deliberately alienated them.
Which is stupid, insane, and delightful.