See last entry.
A reminder that tomorrow (Thursday) I'm undergoing another surgery to tame my bowels' 10-month incorrigibility, this time with some permanency, or so is my hope. I may tap out a few items while away from Commentary Central, so do check back now and then. See you again soon.
Friday. It's 9:30am and I'm still in bed. Haven't pulled anything like that since I was in my teens. My excuse is acute pain, for which — get this — they allow me one norco and morphine, but not two norcos alone, which I take at home and the hospital has, of late, regularly prescribed. Hospital logic. It reminds me of my last hospital visit. A friend wanted to spend the night in my room, and in an unoccupied room down the hall was a full-length couch on which she could sleep. Could we have it for the night? we asked. All the hospital had to do was wheel said couch into my room. We were promptly informed, however, that that was against hospital policy. So what did they do? They moved us and all our stuff to the room with the couch — a mountain going to Moses sort of thing.
Sunday. It seems my stay won't be as brief as anticipated. My kidneys are acting up again (limiting my urine output), and I'm coping with immense nausea. More later.
Monday. A day of successive tests left me exhausted. No word yet on when I'll get out, which is just as exhausting. Perhaps a more hopeful prognosis tomorrow. Cheers.
Tuesday. Now I have pneumonia. That explains the exhaustion.
Wednesday. And diaper rash! (I kid you not.)
Friday (again). I beg your forgiveness, for my relative silence about my health has gone on far too long. All I can belatedly offer is reasons for it, however inadequate they are by now. For the past four or five days I've suffered several chronic conditions: namely, pneumonia, diarrhea, fatigue, total loss of appetite. With the pneumonia finally under control, the extreme fatigue is slowly passing, I believe. The chronic diarrhea is unrelated, however, and its decline is dependent on my regaining an appetite, which remains elusive. But this shall pass; of that, there is no doubt. My surgeon informed me this morning that I would be in the hospital (well?) into next week. I have written nothing about politics for the simplest of reasons: I feel like death not even warmed over — instead just served up cold on hospital bed pads, absorbing my vile, uncontrollable leaks — which is a rather major distraction. I don't believe I would yet have any useful contributions to make to the dreadful study of Trumpathology, and so I'm taking a bit more time to recover. I trust you understand, and I appreciate your forbearance.
Monday. Joyous news. I am home. There was only so much remaining to be done more effectively in the hospital than could be done at home, and today we reached that point of diminishing infirmary returns. So here at home I stand, or rather recline, I can do no other. This shall be my last entry in random daily updates; next I'll attempt re-wallowing in the slime, filth and corruption of making America great again. I can't promise that will be tomorrow, but soon it shall be. Take care, and many, many thanks for all the good wishes you've expressed over the past couple weeks. —Phil