In a panel discussion convened by the Carter Center, Jimmy Carter said yesterday what Bob Mueller was unable to prove:
"There’s no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the election, and I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf."
I notice Trump hasn't yet ridiculed Carter on Twitter, but that's only because he's been busy schmoozing with Vladimir Putin in Japan, At one point he joked about exterminating the free press. "Get rid of them," said Trump as he hand-signaled Go away to a coterie of reporters. "Fake news is a great term, isn’t it?" he continued. You don’t have this problem in Russia," he said to Vladimir, "but we do." Well, Vlad still has some problems with the press, but much fewer since he began assassinating journalists: 26 to date, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Asked by a reporter if he would demand that Putin not further interfere in our elections, Trump sarcastically replied, "Yes, of course I will." This brought laughter from the Russian dictator. "Don’t meddle in the election, please," said Trump to Putin twice, as the latter grinned..
Of course the only reason Mueller was unable prove the 2015-16 conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government was that both the Trump campaign and administration obstructed the means of justice to do so.
But, whatever, the Trump-Putin get-together was great authoritarian fun, especially since Trump beamingly took the opportunity to show Putin he had successfully evaded American law enforcement. I guess taking pride in one's criminality and screwing one's country are the sort of things authoritarians like to joke about between themselves.
The panel discussion's moderator, presidential biographer Jon Meacham, asked Carter if he thought Trump is "an illegitimate president." Carter hasn't lost his sense of humor, which naturally is far more sophisticated than Trump's. "Based on what I just said," quipped 39, "which I can’t retract ..." (Video is 55 seconds.)
The right loves to smear and trivialize Carter and his presidency. They claim, above all, that he was "weak." But whatever one thinks of Jimmy, he didn't collude with hostile foreign powers, obstruct justice, undermine American institutions, and, as for the border crisis of Trump's own making, "send a disgraceful signal around the world," as Carter remarked yesterday, "that this is what the … United States government stands for, and that is torture and kidnapping of little children."
With Trump, that too is probably good for a laugh.