I'm opening this post and its comment section for anyone who wishes to remark on the debate tonight, as it's in progress. I may add a few remarks of my own. (I'm OK. I thought MSNBC had lost its mind, going to Chris Hayes at 8 Eastern. Then I realized MSNBC, for pretty sound reasons, wasn't carrying ABC's Democratic debate.)
From the cellar: Good opening statement by Klobuchar (addressing the middle), but Castro's was rather inane — just hip-hip-hooray stuff. Beto I didn't bother listening to; it seemed an excellent time to pour a drink. I let Booker slip by me too. Yang actually did run a game show (for which Klobuchar had ridiculed Trump), giving away $1,000s! to 10 lucky families. Now on to the adults. And I'm being generous by including Sanders and Harris.
Warren commits herself — again — to mandatory Medicare for all. Well, there goes probably half the Democratic vote, millions of independents, and every last lean-Republican. Sanders too, of course, but Sanders hasn't a chance in hell of gaining the nomination. As for paying for all this healthcare? Biden kicked both of them in the butt for being either exceptionally vague or pitiably unrealistic. Buttigieg is far saner on Mfa, advocating voluntary sign-ups, much like Biden's Medicare proposal and public option.
If Joe Biden has lost it — you know, all that rambling, bafflement, and senility — then he forgot to bring his dementia with him tonight. So far he's been far more lucid than his detractors. As is Buttigieg, and even Klobuchar. (Castro will be gone by tomorrow morning, deservedly.)
And with that, I'll shut up and let you have your say.