To aid in furthering the coronavirus pandemic, Trump has thoughtfully chosen Vice President Mike Pence, because, said the president, "He’s got a certain talent for this." Which was an understatement.
As governor of Indiana in 2015, Pence permitted, through official sloth and religious insanity, a rapid spread of the HIV virus in the state. The vice president, then-governor and lawyer with no medical training whatsoever, "didn’t agree with [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] that distributing clean needles was a good idea," reports the Washington Post.
After two months of the virus raging unchecked and Pence's intransigence toward medical experts, the governor and now sort of Coronavirus Czar said "he was going to go home and pray on it." Evidently God understood that clean needles were indeed a good idea, since, finally, Pence allowed a one-month needle exchange program.
Yale epidemiologists were later tasked with studying Gov. Pence's public health actions. Said one, he was "a textbook case for how not to do it. It was a total collapse of public health leadership and a dereliction of duty in Indiana. They could have avoided this epidemic if science took the lead instead of ideology."
Here's another mind-bender for you: As late as 2000, Congressman Pence averred on his office's website that "smoking doesn’t kill," and anyone who said it does was merely being "hysterical."
In brief, to battle the deadly coronavirus in the United States, we've Vice President Jacques Clouseau in charge. Gives you a warm feeling of personal security, does it not?