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March 27, 2020



Be well. We need you.

Peter G

More than ever what Matt said. CPAPs aren't just for sleeping anymore brother. It ain't the same without intubation but it can help.

Peter G

You would think I would know this, being a onetime Catholic, but in the inventory of assigned saints we apparently had one tasked with assisting in pandemics. And she is, not kidding, Saint Corona.


Good Lord. Take good care of yourself.

And I vote that it start being called "The Trump Virus". The deranged narcissist likes everything named after him and this seems like an obvious thing to hang his filthy name on since in America he's helped it blossom and bloom. The Trump Virus.

(BTW I noticed that there have been no posts from Tony of late. He may just be busy or not inclined but in the times we're living through - if you're reading Tony - hope you're well and stay that way. I always enjoy your posts.)


Snopes rates this as false ( ), Peter. But it ought to be true...

Peter G

I guess that explains why I never heard of it before.

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