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March 31, 2020


Anne J

Evangelical Christianity has been an existential threat for forty years. Anyone with the ability to think long term could have seen the danger in courting the religious fanatic vote, in that eventually they were going to want something in return for their vote. Something that might suit their narrow needs but would be dangerous to just about everyone else. So it's no wonder that they were courted by the party that doesn't do long term planning.

Peter G

That first paragraph could have been written by a Jesuit priest. In fact it was, verbally, made to me. Man those guys could make you think.

John H. Haas

If we're going to make a sociological case--rather than simply asserting an alternative statement of faith ("religion poisons everything")--then we need to do a little more work at the empirical level. The argument above isn't completely without merit, but its reach excedes its grasp: It's a little like making a few references to Spring Breakers insisting they're going to fight for their right to party, and then concluding that "young adults are literally an existential threat to America."

Peter G

Interestingly enough, social distancing would have been extremely useful and easier to accomplish in rural areas. That would be a good thing since the hospital facilities to deal with severe cases simply do not exist. Well they found a fix for that, religion. It doesn't have to leap from farm to farm. Now it can go to church first.

David Duff

Sensible comment - a rarity on this site!


I think this post was a little more nuanced than you perceived. Hitchens was actually taken to task in the first paragraph. Crazy evangelicals don't represent all religious persons any more than spring breakers and covid partying kids represent all young adults. These subsets, however, are literally existential threats to America.

Peter G

I wonder what other religious denominations or sub genres of such are completely ignoring sane rules of social distancing? And who are demographically and geographically likely to carry this to populations otherwise less likely to be swarmed by cases?

Peter G

They sure are going to wish they had signed up for Obamacare. Sadly for them Trump has declined to reopen enrollment.


Why did he decline? What was the rationale?

Anne J

Consider the source? How could you possibly expect anything else from him? Even now, the cruelty is the point.


It’s a good time to be a Buddhist,

Dammit I wish I was a Buddhist!

Peter G

I assume because it would help.


Yes. What was I thinking? Even if the troll strung together a fairly coherent implausible explanation,that somebody else wrote, through his slipping dentures and the fog of his secret medications and sociopath motivations, would it matter? Sometimes I have this lapse where I think
I still live in a time when adults and sane people held the office of President of the United States of America and I try to figure out their reasoning. Cruel freak is squatting there now and I forget.



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