… because he was so friggin' successful as a governor. Then again, as a presidential candidate Mr. Ventura has far more governmental experience than the swindling real-estate clown who ran in 2016, and is now running the country into the ground.
To be clear: I haven't filed anything. I authorized a letter of interest that was sent on my behalf to the Greens and I'm testing the waters for Green Party nomination. I'm an independent. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican because I know they're not the solution.
— Jesse Ventura (@GovJVentura) April 27, 2020
I gather "testing the waters" means sending a tweet saying he's testing the waters. A glance at comments received reveal two main themes: Ventura could be a spoiler for Trump's reelection — "You would be the second most hated person in the world" — or, he could be the Bernie Sanders who wasn't, or rather isn't:
"You must run on a progressive agenda:
"Fully Public Medicare For All (nothing less); Green New Deal; $15 Minimum Wage; End The Wars; CANCEL STUDENT DEBT; Free Tuition; American Jobs.
"Run on this platform. We will put you in the white house."
And by God I'm pretty sure "We the People" of the Green Party believe it.
From reality show host to a former pro wrestler. (One of the lucky survivors of a high death industry)
Jesse "the body" Ventura 2020: In case you find Trump too smart and sane.
Posted by: Anne J | April 27, 2020 at 03:37 PM
I like people who at least try to finish what they started. But the last time I saw Jesse he was tracking down the truth about the existence of Space Aliens. First things first Jesse.
Posted by: Peter G | April 27, 2020 at 06:02 PM
Throw in the pony and he's got my vote.
Posted by: ren | April 28, 2020 at 09:27 AM