Only Dick Morris, former presidential adviser and licker of prostituted toes, could put pen to paper and come up with this: "Economic Collapse to Trump's Advantage":
If it's economic recovery you want, America knows that Donald Trump is the man….
Whatever his strengths or weaknesses, perhaps everyone agrees that his strong point is managing the economy….
How natural it is that we then turn to Trump to bring back the economy he created.
If your house burns down — particularly if you loved it — you would turn to the builder and architect who conceived and erected it in the first place.
Trump didn't, of course — build anything, that is, except for stacking $1+ trillion more onto the national debt before dumping yet more debt on the outsized crisis he fecklessly conceived and erected.
So Dick, aside from that little burp in logic, if your house burns down, would you turn to the arsonist architect who burned it down in the second place?
I should modify my opening sentence, however. Trump, too, will soon be hawking what Mr. Morris is hawking — which, truth be told, is what Republicans have been hawking for decades:
Yes, every objective observer knows we burned down your house last term, but do give us another chance. Just one more tax cut and we'll balance the budget, enhance Social Security and Medicare, shove countless $$ in ammunition up the military's ass — yes you can forget your worries, sit back and just sip mint juleps on the veranda of this white man's plantation we call Amuraka.
Dick Morris:
Now there's a man whose first name fits him perfectly!
Posted by: c u n d gulag | April 30, 2020 at 10:17 PM