Nothing so perfectly exemplifies the infantile personality as does an "incredulous" Donald Trump. The Associated Press has this latest in presidential psychological profiles:
"New surveys by the Republican National Committee and Trump’s campaign pointed to a harrowing picture for the president as he faces reelection…. [Aides have highlighted to him] the growing political cost of the [covid] crisis and the unforced errors by Trump in his freewheeling press briefings.
"Trump reacted with defiance, incredulous that he could be losing to someone he viewed as a weak candidate. 'I am not fucking losing to Joe Biden,' he repeated in a series of heated conference calls with his top campaign officials."
Yes, Donald, you are fucking losing to Joe Biden. And you're losing, in large part, because you can't be straight with anyone — including your own campaign team.
As the Democratic primaries were just gearing up, you were filling your presidential days with sarcastic, paranoid tweets aimed exclusively at the former vice president, since you and your aides believed he would be the nominee — and knew he would be your toughest opponent. After Iowa and New Hampshire, you moved on to targeting other, temporarily ascendent candidates. But then you watched in revisited horror as Biden regained his dominance. Now you scream to your unfortunate staff that you always saw him as a "weak candidate"?
To the nation you scream even more asinine lies: that you "built the greatest economy in the history of the world," and you're "going to do it again." The quickest, simplest retort to those humdingers of mendacity are two quick, simple sentences from Market Watches' economics correspondent: "The first statement is downright false. The second is wishful thinking."
But please proceed, Donald; please continue insisting the economy is "going to build fast. I think it’ll be a tremendous, tremendous comeback." And by all means keep your nitwitted son-in-law in the national spotlight, saying the same: "I think you’ll see by June a lot of the country should be back to normal, and the hope is that by July the country’s really rocking again."
There's not an economist on earth, drunk or sober, who foresees a tremendous, really rocking comeback. Going into May unemployment continues to soar, more businesses are teetering and consumers are more fearful than ever — all because of your disastrous procrastinations, wishful thinking and towering lies months ago.
That brings us back to what your campaign staff has been trying to tell you, Donald: You are fucking losing to Joe Biden because you committed the greatest, avoidable fuckup in American history — at the cost of tens of thousands of American lives. But buried in what you see as your liberating lies, you can't lie your way out of mounds of corpses.
The economy won't come roaring back no matter how many Republicans want to force workers back to unsafe work places. Are they going to take responsibility for a spike in new infections (not like they ever really went down)? No, they won't.
Posted by: Anne J | April 30, 2020 at 12:34 PM
Donald's best hope is Jerome Powell who is running low on ammo. But I wouldn't count Jerome out yet. Rates can go negative (short-term paper already has) and the Fed is buying barely investment grade bonds now (I believe in violation of their 1913 charter). Negative rates might buy 4 to 6 months of "back to normal" and socializing losses from defaulting junk bonds works wonders for failing businesses. Add a little help from Vlad and this will be a nail-biter.
Posted by: ren | April 30, 2020 at 12:56 PM
Not sure even Vlad could help at this point. And given what the ultimate consequences of backing Trump turned out to be Putin is probably rethinking that strategy. You don’t see much news about Russia other than a remarkably poor handling of Covid. There is no country on Earth more dependent on revenues from oil and gas exports and other raw materials. Barring an unanticipated economic rebound Putin will be lucky to escape the torch and pitchfork mob.
Posted by: Peter G | April 30, 2020 at 05:29 PM
If one of Vlad's goals was for the Soviet Union (thanks Mitt) to defeat an old Cold War foe, I'd say he backed the right horse.
Posted by: ren | April 30, 2020 at 05:46 PM
May the Ascended Madoka forgive me, but if Putin suffered the fate of Qaddafi, and his corpse suffered the fate of Mussolini's, I might well expire of sheer joy.
Posted by: Ivory Bill Woodpecker | April 30, 2020 at 06:48 PM
I have heard about forest fires burning out of control near Chernobyl.
Posted by: Anne J | April 30, 2020 at 08:41 PM
But I think that's technically Ukraine.
Posted by: Anne J | April 30, 2020 at 08:44 PM
"Yes, Donald, you are fucking losing to Joe Biden. And you're losing, in large part, because you can't be straight with anyone — including your own campaign team."
Not, perhaps, your most elegantly constructed sentence but crudity appears to be the staple of American politics. Perhaps it's your way of demonstrating your, er, 'machismo'!
Even so, speaking of Mr. Biden, I am surprised (NOT!) by your lack of commentary concerning the allegation of sexual assault by a lady against, er, 'good ol' Joe'. I seem to remember screeds of outrage from you against Justice Kavanaugh when he stood similarly accused. What's happened, 'cat got your tongue', as we say 'over here'?
Posted by: David & Son of Duff | May 01, 2020 at 04:37 AM
He did address it:
Posted by: Jason | May 01, 2020 at 08:35 AM
I don't know what happened. I wasn't there. But when one denies an allegation and the other one brags about it, I am more inclined to believe the former.
Posted by: ren | May 01, 2020 at 08:56 AM
Believe nothing happened, that is.
Posted by: ren | May 01, 2020 at 08:58 AM
The accuser wrote mash notes about Putin, and that is just the most bizarre of the ways in which she is flakier than the finest pie crust.
THIS time, Benedict Donald does not have the advantage of running against one of the two main targets of the most lavishly funded, well organized, and insanely passionate smear campaign since Goebbels & Co. went after (((That Certain Minority))).
Posted by: Ivory Bill Woodpecker | May 02, 2020 at 01:02 AM