If there has been a unified, full-phalanx counterthrust by Democrats against this McConnellesque horseshit, I've missed it.
"Though McConnell didn’t speak publicly Friday," writes NBC News, "he argued that Democrats would use the [1/6] commission as a vehicle to 'litigate the former president into the future.'"
Even for slithering Mitch — and the inhabitants of his entire snake pit, who blather the same — this proffered defense against the indefensible is downright breathtaking in its pyrotechnic disingenuity. The former president is the criminal culprit who daily, exhaustingly litigates past, present and future.
His rapid-fire missives from Mar-a-Lagos's Argentinian hideout; radio call-ins; cable-news interviews; soon, more rallies — all to rehash, relitigate and repeatedly thrash his audited, re-audited and again audited seven-million-vote and Electoral College loss of last year, all while dismissing the nation's only post-Civil War insurrection.
And right behind him, every day, congressional members of his criminal syndicate are all too happy to feed the base this selfsame, most rancid of raw meat.
But rather than aggressively counterattack in colorful language such screaming horseshit, Democrats fall back, muttering and grumbling about "the limits of bipartisanship." Get a fucking clue, guys and gals. Crippled bipartisanship isn't the issue; the issue is that Trump, McConnell, McCarthy and all the little tricksters and tyrants want to keep the 2020 election "Steal" alive — so that they can steal the next one.
Outrageous timidity and unholy political malpractice — the twofold foundation of way, way too many congressional Democrats. Both Roosevelts would have gagged at the sorryass spectacle.