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October 15, 2021


Peter G

For myself I exempt MIT from the justifiable contempt one can have for most of the IVY league colleges. You can get into those places based on your status as a legacy where dimness of bulb does not count against you. You cannot get into MIT that way although some privileges doubtless attaches to the monied. To be fair I once dreamed of attending MIT. So it was with some pleasure that when MIT put its entire undergraduate curriculum online for the public I discovered that it was exactly the same curriculum I studied right down to the course descriptions. Its pretty much standard everywhere in North America. Which leads me to believe much the same is true in every field of endeavor.

But you know why I am delighted that these Ivy League colleges are doing so well in the markets? If anything could divorce them from accepting rich dimbulbs, or at least less of them, then a big fat endowment could. Maybe.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker

"They'll never be fucked. Ever."

Until, of course, the day that they, or their descendants, are.

And neither they, nor we, nor anyone else, know when that will happen.

The dinosaurs were lords of the Earth right up to the day the asteroid hit.

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