Now that the debt-limit deal is sailing through Congress, being readied for President Biden's signature, the former president — and dear God we pray he remains one — is offering some thoughts on the agreement.
"Well, it is what it is, it was going to pass," he told a Des Moines talk radio host yesterday. But, he added, "we’ll get it fixed and will get it fixed properly in two years."
What would have been "proper" this year? "Asked about his recent CNN town hall comments about letting a default happen, he said, 'I would have done that.'"
His is just one of the many madcap voices on the debt deal — all of them Republican, and many of them running for the White House. The Washington Post reports that candidates Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence and, of course, Ron DeSantis have also condemned the agreement.
As president, not one of them would ever actually face such a global economic calamity, since congressional Democrats would never do what the Republicans nearly pulled off.
Incidentally, and as a reminder of just how carefree, swashbuckling and downright lunatic Donald Trump can be, at that recent CNN town hall meeting he said a default might lead to "a bad week or a bad day." Something, I suppose, akin to Hiroshima or Nagasaki's.