Thus spoke the gracious winner. N.H. primary night:
Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley can NEVER win in the General Election because she will NEVER get MAGA!
Could somebody please explain to Nikki Haley that she lost - and lost really badly. She also lost Iowa, BIG, last week. They were, as certain Non-Fake Media says, “CRUSHING DEFEATS.”
Just had a GIANT VICTORY over a badly failing candidate, “Birdbrain.”
A very bad night for Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley, but not as bad as last week, in Iowa, where she came in a DISTANT THIRD. Next week, in the Nevada Caucus, she didn’t want to play because of her bad Polling. She gets ZERO DELEGATES, I get them all. In South Carolina, I am leading by 30 to 50 points!
Haley said she had to WIN in New Hampshire. SHE DIDN’T!!!
This is bountiful evidence of a clinically ill man. He won Iowa, he won New Hampshire, and if he lives long enough and stays out of jail, he'll win the nomination. Nonetheless, those were his primary-night, primary "thoughts," as posted on Truth Social. Not a base benefit in the bunch.
In person that night, on stage, he role-played Vladimir Putin and re-vomited some of the above by prattling:
Just a little note to Nikki, she is not going to win, but if she did she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes. I could tell you five reasons why already, not big reasons, little stuff that she doesn’t want to talk about, but she will be under investigation in minutes.
And so would Ron have been, but he decided to get out.We beat her so badly.
I can say to everybody "thank you for the victories, it’s wonderful" or I can go up and say "who the hell was the imposter that went up on the stage before and claimed a victory?" She did very poorly actually.
Ron beat her also. He came in second and he left. She came in third and she’s still hanging around.
In life you can’t let people get away with bullshit. You just can’t do that.
I love that last one.
Even sicker, though, are the people who cheered this slop.
Trump is getting something out of all this, namely the feeding of his ego, possibly a dictatorship too. The cheering crowd gets nothing, not a damn thing other than presidential lawlessness, another mismanaged economy, higher taxes (new tariffs), more pollution, poorer public schools, the same border problems, the military as a domestic police force, the loss of social programs they depend on, the empty and thoroughly meaningless pride of "owning the libs," and a nation and world that hate them.
Elections were once a function of self-interest. In exchange for my vote, what will you the candidate do for me? If little or nothing, then I have no reason to vote for you — especially if the other candidate has already proven him- or herself in supplying me with some gains. This all about Number One.
Emphasis on were — elections were once such a phenomenon, party-wide, bipartisan, to a man and a woman. But Trump, Trumpism and Trumpers, the full-monty ménage à trois, changed all that.
The pseudoconservative movement's vacuous leader convinced millions that he stood for real conservatism, not that mushy, weak-sister sort pushed by the effete party establishment known as RINOs.
In the process of being convinced, the millions overlooked something important and logically traditional: voting = self-interest. From this leader and his ism they'll reap nothing of personal benefit. The leader's ego will swell even larger and his personal objectives might be achieved, while his supporters will get but a goose egg. And worse. See above.
Somehow, in some way, the leader has managed to motivate millions of voters to deny their own interests. Historically, demagogues have glutted voters with promises of how they'll fulfill the electorate's every need. Not this demagogue. He offers ad hominems, vengeance against persons the millions don't know, and above all, the greater glory of his self.
In falling for it, and in rejecting self-interest — once the very essence of the right to vote — the millions show themselves as the much sicker ones.
What they get out of it is permission to be their worst possible selves in public, and then they demand we love them for it.
Posted by: VoiceOfReason | January 25, 2024 at 11:42 AM