Not to overdo The New Yorker's Andy Borowitz on this site, but below is his latest I struggled to post yesterday morning because of umpteen technical glitches. Then I got sidetracked by polling and went with that, despite more FUBAR. This time it took only eight or nine attempts. Still, I was determined to get this up, because it's irresistibly Borowitzian.
Biden Offered Russian Agent as Part of Prisoner Swap
One other little treasure from Andy is on his subscription-only page. (I subscribe because I steal so much from him.) It's titled "Profile in Ignorance: JD Vance." His teaser:
"There was a brief moment a couple of weeks ago when I thought JD Vance might be smart. It was when I heard he had somehow transformed a couch into a sexual partner. That seemed like American ingenuity at its finest.
"Alas, that story turned out to be a hoax—which forced me to consider another possibility. Maybe Vance was exactly what he appeared to be: a massive idiot."
I hope you don't stop posting Andy Borowitz material. It's always good for a much needed laugh.
Posted by: Anne J | August 04, 2024 at 10:03 AM