In Nate Silver's poll tracking, the difference between 4 Aug. and 5. Aug. is two-tenths of one percent. Here's Sunday's, which he labeled, "The streams have crossed."
But it's a two-tenths gain in Harris' favor. Monday:
You probably noticed that the first graph is of a head-to-head matchup, while the second includes RFK Jr. So these aren't precise comparisons. Nevertheless, they're enough for Silver to note a trend:
"Harris rose again in our forecast today [Monday]; in the span of a week, she’s gone from a 37 percent chance of winning the Electoral College to a 53 percent chance. The race is still a toss-up for all intents and purposes, but if you’re sweating the details, you’d rather have the 53 percent side of a bet than the 47 percent half."
Was that poll with RFK Jr. included taken before or after the story of what he did to that poor dead bear cub came out?
Posted by: Anne J | August 06, 2024 at 02:42 PM