Take special note of "More than 10,000 missing" under the nearly 40,000 dead figure.
Months ago I calculated that the then-rate of Palestinian deaths in Gaza would, if the slaughter continued in the absence of international intervention, ultimately total about 100,000, based on the Hamas:civilian death ratio (that is, the number of civilians killed in relation to the corresponding number of Hamas members killed in each military action — until the latter's membership number reached zero, as Netanyahu swore it someday would). My calculation was an unserious one, for I simply could not accept that the world community would permit the virtual genocide of the Palestinian people. And yet, assuming the "missing 10,000" eventually are added to the 40,000, my unserious calculation is halfway to the 100,000 dead marker. And I'm no longer unserious about the genocical potential of Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet.