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September 05, 2024


Anne J

Don't polls ever come with explainers? Some note about how they reached their conclusions and what those conclusions may mean?

I have only been visiting your site for about 21 years, (thank you Michael Moore) so I am curious about what your political instincts were telling you in 2000, an election that was thrown to, and by, the supreme court.


I thought Gore would walk away with the prize — which, by rights, he should have — but I never thought the Supreme Court would take it upon itself to "appoint" the next president, Anne. I'm curious about your thanks to Michael Moore. I don't recall an endorsement from him. news to me.

Anne J

I used to go to his web site and he had a list of other sites to read and the late Buzzflash was one of them and they would link to your site. So maybe I should thank Buzzflash too. But I honestly can't remember if he had a link directly to your site or not. But his website was the starting point that led me to yours.


Thanks for the update, Anne. Poor Buzzflsh. I think I killed it. It hired me to write a daily column in the run-up to the 2008 election and post-election period. I was rabidly pro-Obama in the run-up, which really pissed off Buzzflash's Clinton supporters. Given readers' choice to read only that which agrees with them, the site became persona non grata with a huge chunk of its previous readership, which Buzzflash relied on for contributions. So it soon folded.

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