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« Merely one moment of how low he can go | Main | Vladimir's terrible Tuesday »

September 12, 2024


Anne J

Wait, someone actually said "the creature from the Florida swamps"?

I am not disagreeing with you about Americans being moderate to conservative, but I am asking what do people mean when they say they are moderate or conservative anymore? I honestly have no clue what defines conservatism anymore since a lot of Trump radicals call themselves conservative.

I might add that very few people turn down help from the government when it's offered to them. Maybe moderate to conservative with socialist tendencies?


As to your last remark, Anne, spot on. Mine, "creature," was merely a spoof.


So Fred Clark had a post over at slacktivist the other day in which he made the point that within evangelicalism, it’s possible to be kicked out for going too far left, but not for going too far right. In other words there are boundaries on the left, but not on the right.

I think that’s applicable to politics and media coverage in the U.S. as well. Most of what passes for “left versus right” is actually “far right versus center right”. At best you get “ far right versus center left” and by center left think Warren/Bernie/AOC.

That isn’t to say there aren’t people left of Bernie, for example, but they have no access mainstream politics or media on anything other than a trivial level. So I think you are right, most people fall into that “far right to center right” area, but how much of that is because it’s the only area treated seriously? What if, to use a current event, “Nippon Steel should not be allowed to buy US Steel because the USW should toss out management and take over the company themselves” was treated as a serious policy alternative by politicians and media?

That might make a difference. Or not, I dunno. Anyhow, sorry so many people got touchy about this question and enjoy the beer money!


So that was you with the most recent donation, ssdd. Again, my sincere thanks. Readers' financial support is essential. It's the secondary lifeblood of this site — second only to its readers. On the other, why "so many people get touchy" about an objective fact is something that has bewildered me since Reagan. I don't understand how a known falsehood could be so important to a person's self-identity. But those persons are legion, more so on the right yet embedded plentifully in the left as well.

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