If some extraterrestrials happen to be doing an Earth fly-by today, and if they know nothing else of Earth's history, they'd look at the planet's goings on — a fresh ground invasion in one country, a continuing invasion of another, a massive missile barrage — and say to themselves:
What a bunch of losers. Those beings are savages. And just look at the tens of millions of other beings down there living in abject misery — the abysmal poverty, little to no food, and healthcare? Zip. And yet military invasions and missile attacks are what the "leaders" of Earth's populations spend their time and resources on? This place is no more than a tiny hunk of rock on the edge of a remote galaxy, but we'll be damned if they don't see themselves as the center of the universe. Most of them appear to worship some sort of loving deity, but they sure failed to get the emanating message. Home, James. We've seen enough.
Sounds like a good place for an intergalactic bypass...
Posted by: Uncle Billy | October 01, 2024 at 01:52 PM